ドストエフスキー『カラマーゾフの兄弟』から「ぜひ鉤をつくる必要がある」という言葉を巡って、鉤= 真実、とは?
という問いを現代の日本を生きる若者の中に求めていく。天気のよすぎる今日を、もう少し上手に生きるための物語。 Regarding “il faudrait les inventer”
(It, the hook that catches sinners, would have to be invented) from “The Brothers Karamazov” by Dostoyevsky, what is a piece = truth? Seeking the answer into today’s young people. It is a story to live a little better in this too much sunny day.
The Hell
Oct. 12-14, 2001
Azabu die pratze, Tokyo, Japan