日本を代表する絵本作家の一人・長新太の名作『キャベツくん』シリーズを原作に、新たな解釈を加えたオリジナル作品。 月夜の晩にキャベツくんが歩いていると、ブタがまるごと揚げられたトンカツに出会います。これにはブタヤマさんもビックリ。おいしそうな匂いがするけれど、2人ともちょっとこわくて食べることができません……。
It is an original piece based on the picture book series “Tsukiyo no Kyabetsu kun” (Cabbage boy on a moonlit night) by the famous Japanese picture book writer Shinta Cho with a new interpretation. Cabbage boy walks on a moonlit night and meets the whole pork cutlet.
Cabbage boy and his friend hog man are surprised. It smells yummy but they are a little scared and cannot eat it…. The relationship between Hog man wanting to eat cabbage boy and Cabbage boy appearing to be eaten by hog man is thrilling and funny. It is the storytelling for adults by adults as an experiment in a theatre.
I am a Pork Cutlet
Feb. 4-7, 2010
BankArt Studio NYK Hall, Yokohama, Japan