かつて中山を襲った洪水をきっかけに生まれた商店街。そしてその陰でうっかり生まれていた、水の下のさかさま世界。彼らが語るまちの思い出と洪水の記憶。 本作品は、緑区と象の鼻テラス(ワコールアートセンター)が共催する『スマートイルミネーションみどり』の参加作品として制作・上演された。昔懐かしいスナック街「緑新栄会」にあるさまざまなものが「さかさま」になり、パフォーマー扮する「さかさま世界の住人たち」が現れる非日常の時間を演出。普段は18歳以下立入禁止の公共空間を、子どもたちの遊び場として開いた。
There is a night bar district in Nakayama Town developed by the local community who had been deeply engaged for the revival after the flood. We took part of the art project Smart Illumination Midori, organised by Midori Ward in Yokohama City and Zonohana Terrace run by Wacoal Art Center, and realized an imaginary street emerged in two nights where everything is upside-down like reflecting things on the water surface. In the night party for two days, the audience was surrounded by things turned upside down on the street such as signage, enjoys the night with residents of the upside down street acted by performers, and discover narratives of the flood and memories of the town. It was an immersive performance in the public realm and also an urban intervention of making children’s playground in the night bar district where usually opens for adults only.
Nakayama Upside Down
Nov 6-7, 2015 - Nakayama Yokohama, Japan